Best Puppy Chew Toys Of 2020 in the UK header image

There is one certainty with your new puppy, it will chew everything. Unless you want your puppy chewing your shoes then you need to buy the best puppy chew toy available to keep them occupied.

Chewing for a puppy is an important part of their development and ongoing health. Chewing is good for a dog’s developing teeth, their gums and of course to keep their interest away from chewing your furniture and shoes.

There are thousands of chew toys for puppies and choosing the right one can be daunting. But have no fear as UK Dog Owner is here to share our 5 best chew toys for UK puppies in 2020.

We asked our members what their favourite toys were for breeds of all shapes and sizes. We got overwhelming responses and below is that list as rated by our readers.

1. Classic KONG for Puppies

Overall Rating


Durability Rating


Health Benefit


Value Rating


Key Features

Very durable and will last a long time

Can be filled with snacks and treats

Good for developing teeth and gums

The number 1 puppy chew toy in the UK is of course the classic KONG for puppies. KONG are an industry giant when it comes to durable dog chew toys and this toy is no different.

Available in 3 sizes to suit your dog breed, the classic KONG chew toy for puppies allows your dog endless chewing time. The tough rubber exterior doesn’t degrade in chunks and is super strong even against the strongest of dog breeds.

Inside this KONG puppy chew toy is a very purposeful and useful hollow center. This hollow center allows treats, pastes and snacks to placed inside giving your puppy more reasons to chew this instead of your shoes!

Dogs of all breeds will chew, lick and nibble at the KONG for hours to reach the snacks inside which will in turn keep them mentally invested in the chew toy as they try to find the perfect angle.

Add peanut butter and then freeze the KONG for a couple of hours to really keep your dog interested in the chew toy for the rest of the day!

Life Pro Tip – UK Dog Owner

KONG is a brand that has shown time and time again that it can be trusted by UK dog owners. Their chew toys are solid, long lasting and great value for money.

If you are looking for a chew toy that will get your puppy away from shoes and furniture then in our reader’s opinion, the KONG puppy chew toy is a must have.

2. Nylabone Puppy Starter Kit

Overall Rating


Durability Rating


Health Benefit


Value Rating


Key Features

3 types of hard flavoured bones

Suitable for various puppy growth stages

Great for developing teeth and gums

The Nylabone puppy starter kit is a selection of 3 chew bones for your puppy. The bones themselves have various flavours and textures that are suited to a puppy dependant on their age and tooth development stage.

Bone 1

  • Bacon Flavoured.
  • Suitable for puppies 6 months and older.
  • Fully Edible.

Bone 2

  • Chicken Flavoured.
  • Suitable for puppies 6 months and younger (adult teeth only).
  • Non Edible thermoplastic polymer to remove tartar.

Bone 3

  • Chicken Flavoured.
  • Suitable for puppies 6 months and older.
  • Non Edible nylon that removes plaque and tartar.

This starter kit dog chew toy selection is perfect for puppy owners looking to secure bones suited to different stages of the puppy’s growth. This triple selection of bones are all designed to aid your dog’s dental hygiene at different stages of their early life.

The edible bone (bone 1 above) is one that will help to teach your dog good chewing habits. It helps dogs acclimatise to chewing on rewarding toys instead of your furniture. The bacon flavoured texture is particularly appetising to dogs of all breeds and will take their attention away from bad tasting furniture.

The first chicken flavoured bone (bone 2 above) is specifically designed to help puppies under 6 months old who have just grown their adult teeth. This bone removes plaque and tartar from the newly formed teeth and helps to secure healthy gums.

The second chicken flavoured bone (bone 3 above) is the final of the 3 bone plan for your puppy. Preferably suited to puppies over 6 months old and who’s teeth are now fully developed, this bone helps with the final development stage. Removing plaque, tarter and helping to prevent gum disease, the chicken flavoured bone reinforces the good puppy chewing behaviour already instilled.

3. KONG Puppy Goodie Bone

Overall Rating


Durability Rating


Health Benefit


Value Rating


Key Features

Great for teething puppies

Can be filled with snacks and treats

Good for developing teeth and gums

Another reliable KONG product makes our list at 3rd place, the KONG puppy goodie bone dog chew toy.

This particular dog chew toy is specifically designed to assist your puppy’s teeth in developing healthily. The traditional bone shaped rubber chew toy also has convenient holes on each end designed to house treats and snacks for your chew happy puppy.

A puppy will tend to get sore gums as they teethe and the KONG puppy rubber bone helps immeasurably at this time. When the puppy chews and bites the bone, the rubber acts as a soothing surface against the puppy’s teeth and gums. This has been proven to relieve stress, pain and anxiety from puppies during their teething months.

Along with it’s soothing properties outlined above, the bone can also be used as a mental stimulant for puppies. Adding treats into the bone allows your puppy to mentally concentrate on extracting the treats via chewing and licking which in turn helps their teeth to develop.

This also keeps them away from chewing your shoes all the while teaching them that chewing furniture is not rewarding but chewing their KONG chew toy is.

4. Nylabone Bacon Flavoured Dummy Puppy Chew Toy

Overall Rating


Durability Rating


Health Benefit


Value Rating


Key Features

Simple & efficient design

Design reaches back teeth and gums

Great for developing teeth and gums

With a list that is continually dominated by Nylabone and KONG, we bring in at 4th place a favourite amongst many UK dog owners, the dummy puppy chew toy.

This puppy chew toy is well known amongst new puppy owners of all breeds and always ranks highly on our top lists. It’s simple, classic and versatile design is a staple in new puppy homes up and down the UK.

Many dog trainers opt for this as chew toy over the treat dispensing toys above as it can be used to focus a puppy without adding to their diet. This is a particular interest to dog trainers who are conscious of meal times and their dog’s diet in general.

The Nylabone bacon flavoured dummy puppy chew toy is exactly what it says on the tin. It is bacon flavoured to encourage your puppy to keep chewing away at this instead of other items in your home. This puppy chew toy is also shaped like a dummy to reach even the back teeth and gums of the puppy.

Nylabone are an industry leader in the dog chew toy market and this product is one of the reasons why. Refreshingly simple and more importantly a chew toy that really works, if you are looking for a solely teething solution then this may be the one for you.

5. KONG Tire Rubber Chew Toy

Overall Rating


Durability Rating


Health Benefit


Value Rating


Key Features

Incredibly durable puppy chew toy

Suitable for various puppy growth stages

Great for chewy play time with your puppy

And last but by very means not the least, is the KONG tire rubber chew toy.

With a lot of health benefits listed for the other chew toys above, this tire shaped chew toy lacks a little in that department. While it is still healthy for your puppy to chew on this dog chew toy much like the others, it isn’t specifically designed to assist in gum or teeth development. It does help, it perhaps just isn’t solely built for that reason like the others above.

Where it lacks in the health department in comparison to the other chew toys on this list, it makes up for it in durability.

This is the power house of puppy chew toys. If your little puppy is a destructive crazy little pup then you are going to need something heavy duty like this. This chew toy is virtually indestructible and even though that wont stop your puppy from trying, we are yet to see a puppy succeed in getting the better over the KONG tire.

As well as being made to beat even the hardest of chewers, the KONG tire chew toy is also bouncy like a ball. This allows for dog owners to play and encourage the use of the chew toy with their puppy during their crucial developing months.

Bounce it, throw it and let them chew it. One thing is for sure, your puppy wont get through it anytime soon.

Our members who own larger breed dogs that love to chew, such as Labradors, German Shepherds and Staffies will be the first to tell you to buy this chew toy. It may save you some shoes and these breeds can easily destroy other chew toys without much effort.


Whether you are looking out for your furniture, shoes or doors when looking or a puppy chew toy or it is your puppy’s health you have in mind, getting the right toys is essential.

Encouraging your puppy to chew and bite is all part of being a UK dog owner and key to a healthy puppy in general.

A puppy doesn’t know the difference between your stuff and their stuff so teaching them it is rewarding to chew one of the toys above is going to be crucial to keeping you both sane.

Ensure you have plenty to keep them chewing and before you know it their teeth will be healthy and you wont be finding a mess every time you get home.

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