+The sweetest boy ever: Nash, our 16-week-old Cavapoo 💕 A puppy-mill rescue, Nash was determined to be unsellable — because he hit 10 weeks old and hadn’t sold. Fortunately, a rescue stepped in, vetted him, and we were the lucky ones to adopt. He’s got a fun little IG over at @nashintn. 🐾 30th March 202330th March 2023
+Meet Kookie and Kira. We couldn’t decide on who to bring home so they both came home with us. 28th March 202328th March 2023
+My cavapoo is so picky & she never really got excited about treats, her bones she just hides and wont eat but recently I bought these and she loves them!! I’ve never seen her so excited for food lol just wanted to share incase anyone else has a picky eater ! 16th March 202316th March 2023